Knee Arthritis: 7 Symptoms Can Suck the Life Out of You

7 Knee Arthritis Symptoms Can Suck the Life Out of You

They’re some of the common causes of knee pain like Osteoarthritis and post-traumatic arthritis. Osteoarthritis usually affects people over the age of 45, while post-traumatic arthritis is associated with knee injuries that can affect any age. Knee arthritis is a degenerative disease. They are not curable, but targeted injections provide non-invasive treatment. This treatment can effectively reduce the symptoms of this painful disease.

Knee arthritis is caused by aging or damaged bone between the bones. This leaves the bones grinding with each other causing pain and discomfort.

There are many causes of knee pain and if you feel any of the following symptoms, it is worth taking a knee pain test to get treated.

  • Pain
  • Inflammation
  • Fastening the Belt
  • Strength
  • Creaking and Clicking
  • Loss of Movement
  • Disability

7 Symptoms of Arthritis in the Knee

1. Pain

Osteoporosis does not go away all at once, so although pain can sometimes start suddenly, it is likely that it will develop gradually over time. It may start with pain when you wake up in the morning, or if you have been sitting still for a long time. Kneeling can be very painful, as well as climbing stairs.

The pain only gets worse until even uncomfortable walking, and, perhaps worse, wake you up from a sound sleep.

Pain is ultimately unbearable, and your quality of life is greatly affected.

2. Inflammation

Knee arthritis can lead to bone marrow (bone outcrops at the margins), as well as excess fluid in the knee, which can cause swelling and inflammation. Swelling may be worse in the morning, or after a long period of inactivity, and your knee may feel hot when you touch it; it may look pink or red.

In the early stages of arthritis in the knee, anti-inflammatory drugs can reduce both inflammation and pain, but over time, OTCs do little good.

3. Fastening the Belt

Occasionally you may find that your knee is unstable; just release or bind. This knee weakness is especially dangerous, especially for older people, as it can lead to serious falls.

4. Strength

Occasionally your knee may close in place: you cannot bend or straighten it, and you must bend and move your leg until you are paralyzed.

5. Creaking and Clicking

This is the most disturbing sign. As you walk, especially on the floor, you hear a clicking sound coming from your knee.

People who are suffering from arthritis describe it in different ways such as screaming, cracking or ringing.

Some people say that they feel that their bones swell together.

6. Loss of Movement

As arthritis develops, it can be very difficult to get out of a chair or a car. Climbing stairs can be difficult and getting up from a kneeling position is not possible without help. Eventually, travel becomes difficult.

7. Disability

In the early stages of knee arthritis, you may not notice any deformities, but as the disease progresses your knee may look inward or outward, or otherwise look different from a non-arthritic knee.

In the early stages of knee arthritis you may not feel any symptoms, but as the disease develops your knee may look inside or outside.


Untreated arthritis of the knee can leave you with a walking stick, chronic pain, and you may be able to perform simple daily tasks. Terry K. Morgan and Marie Bossert and their various teams found in studies that fluoroscopy-guided viscosupplementation injections, also known as hyaluronic acid, significantly reduce pain and increase the mobility of people with arthritis.