A rheumatoid factor test determines the level of rheumatoid factor in your blood. Rheumatoid factors are immune proteins that might attack healthy tissue in your body. This RA blood test can determine whether or not you have auto-immune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis. To determine your risk of arthritis, book this low-cost arthritis profile test right away.
Screening on time can help you avoid illnesses, and with Medilab RA Test Rheumatoid Arthritis Factor, Quantitative, you can keep the best track of your health.
The RA Test Rheumatoid Arthritis Factor, Quantitative, which is available in Mumbai, has 6 parameter that provides you with a clear picture of your health.

Parameter Included: 6
Home Collection
Fast Reporting
Report Time: 24 Hours
FastingTime: Not Required
Test Recommended For: Male/Female
Recommended Age For: 5-99 Years
Frequently Asked Questions
A positive rheumatoid factor test result indicates that your blood contains a high level of rheumatoid factor. A higher rheumatoid factor level in your blood is linked to autoimmune disease, particularly rheumatoid arthritis.
The normal RF range is 0-20 IU/ml. RF levels above 20 IU/ml are not considered sufficient to diagnose RA because the RF level can be elevated for a variety of reasons.
When you have rheumatoid arthritis in your hands, you may notice swelling around the affected joint, which causes pain or tenderness. To the touch, the joint may feel warm. Swelling is usually symmetrical, which means it affects the same joints on both the right and left hands.
Blood tests for rheumatoid arthritis: What to know and Type. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease that causes joint inflammation. A doctor will make a diagnosis based on a person’s symptoms as well as the results of a physical examination, blood tests, and imaging studies.